Sunday, June 10, 2018
Good morning to friends and readers of An unexpected event occurred. Some have called and emailed wondering why of Friday, June 8, 2018 was not posted. Desiring to advance the gospel truths of Christ, and not calling attention to personal issues, I yet owe you an explanation. My health has changed.
This past Tuesday, June 5, 2018, I suffered a heart attack, but didn’t recognize it as such and put off going to the doctor. When the chest pain persisted Wednesday morning, and at the urging of my wife and our children, I consented and went to the nearest hospital. (Here a word of caution to you, the reader, my EKG registered normal, but all was not normal. A blood test revealing the release of certain enzymes the heart releases upon a heart attack was the confirming factor.)
On Wednesday I was transferred from the first hospital to the second, where doctors performed heart catheter and ultrasound tests which confirmed a 95% blockage in one artery and 80% in another. Because of the dye used in those tests doctors said they had to wait until the dye was flushed from my kidneys before advancing to the final procedure to open the blockage.
Friday, June 8, 2018 at about noon, doctors installed two stents in the blocked arteries. I suffered significant chest pain for the next eight to ten hours, but the faithfulness of my personal Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, a chorus of prayer ascending to the Father, and the wisdom He gave doctors, preserved my life for continued life with my wife and children, Christian ministry and sharing life-changing truths of the gospel, and calling attention to the end-time imminent tribulation.
Please know my heart-felt thanksgiving for your many prayers offered on my behalf during this difficult time. Lord willing, next Friday, June 15, 2018, will continue to the glory, honor, praise and majesty of King Jesus, the eternal God, the Maker of all things, the One to whom we must all give a personal account, the Giver of eternal life for all who believe Him.
Marlin J. Yoder
We will pray to that end. In Him Always, Brother Mike & Wife!
Sure hope there was not too much damage. Praying for you brother
My prayers are with you and your family may God bless you and protect you keep your family and you safe in his words thinking of you all in this difficult time as my dad went through the same situation last August all the test were normal but he had several main atteries blocked my prayers are for a speedy recovery it is all in the blink of an eye we are not promised tomorrow if you do not know God as your personal savor please ask him today no matter what you have done in life he will forgive move from this day forward do not want to be in the lake of fire if you ask him you will have eternal life God bless you
We will be praying for a full recovery and return to the work of the ministry in God’s perfect timing Marlin. If it is anything like my experience two years ago, you should feel like a new man. We will pray to that end. In Him Always, Brother Mike & Wife!
I’m sending a message to my prayer warriors; they are wonderful, God-fearing from all over the world. We will be lifting you up in prayer that you will continue your healing. T brought me up to date. I’m so glad that you’re home.
Love & Prayers for you and your family,
Debi G