Harvest Months 2024

Friday, August 2, 2024

Will the fall harvest months of 2024 reveal “the son of perdition” (2 Thess. 2:3)? Will earthly wickedness, violence, calamities and wars be such that in these months an end-time peace plan will emerge “according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders” (2 Thess. 2:9)? This could be the year, but all in God’s divinely appointed time of the end. The seven-year tribulation will begin in the fall harvest months of a year; this could be the year.

Satanic evils poison politics. Mockery of our Lord Jesus Christ is heralded at the Olympic Games on the Paris, France world stage. Powers of grave injustice and wickedness are being passed from one elite to another. July 27, 2024 wars with Israel escalated in extreme intensity with “Israel nearing ‘all-out war’” as reported by RT. And former President Donald Trump, the Republican standard-bearer told a Christian crowd “In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.” That statement is totally detached from reality. Trump should know that “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Prov. 16:18). While I believe it’s likely no one, anywhere, will be voting beyond 2024, it will not be because Trump will “have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote”! Rather, the world will soon be captivated and mesmerized by the peace-authored rule of the Antichrist.

I’m very pleased with Trump’s efforts to try and “fix” America from the corruptions, LGBTQ+ abominations, lawfare and failures of the Obama/Biden and Biden/Harris regimes, for Trump’s policies are immeasurably better than those of Democrats, who, seemingly have literally lost all common sense, decency and knowledge of right and wrong. If there is an election on November 5, 2024, I will vote for Trump, but he’s not my hope for America being turned around because there is no turning America, or any nation, around for the better. And for all the wicked agendas of the radicle Left, we know they are not our enemy, but Satan and his spirits are our enemy and we true Christians must never forget that God “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim. 2:4). Thus, we are to pray for all our leaders, 1 Tim. 2:1–3.

The world has entered the time of the end, and as such spiritual powers are at work that neither Donald Trump, nor any prayers, nor anyone can thwart; extreme wicked powers that come from destroying spirits from the pit of hell, as God’s restraint of evil is being steadily withdrawn. We true Christians must be discerning of these truths and prepare accordingly. It’s very possible that through nuclear WW3 the Deagel Depopulation Forecast for 2025 occurs. But we live in an age where many professing Christians can’t discern that truth, nor do they want to hear the truth and even refuse to read those truths from God’s word because they have been taught by ministers to ignore those truths. Many are falsely fixated on the deceit that world conditions will get better. And there’s a time coming soon when better will appear to be true, but that feature will be the deception that comes when Antichrist will “confirm a covenant [of peace] with many for one week” [seven years] (Dan. 9:27), a time when many Christians will be deceived because they were told they’d never see Antichrist, and that if they did see him, they had missed the rapture and were left behind. Due to that false teaching many will not believe Antichrist is who he is.

True Spirit-led believers understand a vital truth about these wicked end-times; God allows the proud arrogance of the unconverted. It’s manifesting in places never before suspected, especially inside Christian churches where leaders allow and celebrate such evils as the LGBTQ+ agendas because many follow their heart as if that were a godly thing. It’s not! “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?” (Jer. 17:9). This is why the heart must be born again and converted by grace through faith in Christ. Many in the church give lip service to new birth without actually being born again, the fruit of which manifests in approval of the LGBTQ+ and other evil agendas that depart from Jesus Christ and His NT commands.

Another evil agenda of elite world leaders will even spur on food famines by the false climate change narrative. The Biden/Harris regime with the backing of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen seeks $78 trillion taxpayer-funded to combat alleged climate change which is altogether a hoax because the elite are creating the problem by geo-engineering. Read this article and headline by slaynews.com, “John Kerry: Farmers Must Stop Growing Food to Meet ‘Net Zero’ Goals for ‘Emission.’” The article says, “How this happens depends entirely upon how many farms the globalist overlords can force out of business, resulting in much less food and far fewer mouths to feed.” And this crime against humanity is not only occurring in the US, but also in Europe where “British farmers are being paid to leave crops rotting in the ground or to ‘plant’ food for birds”, as reported by expose-news.com. This is planned genocide to create an effective depopulation.

It’s the worst of hypocrisy that the liberal unhinged Left has stooped to the new low of actually endorsing Kamala Harris for president! After Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race she raked in over $100 million from exuberant leftist liberals. Their insanity is beyond the pale. The sudden switch by liberal media outlets from generally “We really don’t like her; she’s achieved nothing; her crazy inappropriate laugh hides her insecurity; and she drags down Biden’s rating” to “she’s the perfect presidential nominee; she’s well qualified; she’s the only clear choice to be president”! In reality, however, everything about Kamala Harris is wrong and unfit for the office of president of the US. She will advance evils at a greater rate than Obama and Biden. Friends, I say with confidence that, based on the tsunami of political wickedness, it will be no surprise if Kamala Harris becomes the next US president! The ruling class of satanic, elite, globalist men and women applaud evils and abominations, but hate Christ and His true born again believers.

Believers must understand (though many never will) that there are prophetic end-time wicked powers at work that no one, not prayer, nor positive confession, not strength, not might and not even God will stop, because God will not deny His word that brings the end of this present age. No, quite the opposite. God has a vested interest to bring about the end and to gather His elect! God promised the elect, both OT and NT true believers that, we are “one body” (Eph. 4:4) and that, together, we will inherit the land of Israel as “an everlasting possession” (Gen. 17:8; Gen. 48:4; Gal. 3:29). God’s vested interest in fulfilling that promise is the fact that His Son, Jesus Christ, suffered the Cross of Calvary that we could by grace through faith obtain eternal life. Politicians and their politics will not save you, Psa. 2:1–3, thus, guard your hearts from their ensnarement by their many compromises. Politicians will say anything to gain office, but make little to no difference for the better, proof of which is seen in the steady decline of every nation.

My new book “ON EAGLES’ WINGS” addresses real life issues not addressed in these weekly Letters which gathers the biblically prophetic with current events. Many have not yet gotten my new book, but be encouraged to get it for yourself and even as a gift for others, it will bless you.

Marlin J. Yoder

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About the author

I'm a non-denominational ordained minister, and have written TheFridayLetter.com for many years and teach the truths of Jesus Christ with an emphasis on the end-times. This on-line and in-person ministry to which God called me helps many people to know the truths of Christ rather than traditions of men which make "the word of God of no effect" (Mark 7:13).

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