Friday, February 28, 2025
One can discern the nearness of the seven-year tribulation by the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Thus, knowledge of prophecy informs the elect. God gave believers prophecy in order to prepare His elect to endure to the end as Christ taught at Matt. 24:13. We must know and understand that according to end-time biblical prophecy, people in general, and the church become increasingly wicked and lukewarm, respectively, and both are decisively on track. But few discern that truth.
The seven-year tribulation will begin in the Fall harvest months of a year, with its culmination and return of Christ also occurring in the Fall harvest months seven years later. Christ revealed that truth in the “Parable of the Wheat and Tares” at Matt. 13. In the last several years given the progressive evils in governments and organized church, I believed each Fall harvest year was a viable candidate for the tribulation to start. But now with the onset of 2025, I believe even more strongly that this is the year the tribulation begins in the Fall harvest months. I may be wrong, but I would much rather be watchful and prepared in truth, spirit and knowledge than not.
The organized church now has an ever-increasing number of pastors and church leaders who are being defrocked and removed from ministry because of their ungodly conduct. Some people are now asking “Are all the leaders in the American church corrupt?!” (Source) The many Christian pastors, ministers and worship leaders being discovered in sexual scandals, embezzlement, love of money, preying on the innocent, suicide and more are now signs of the end-times Laodicean and lukewarm church of Rev. 3:14–22. What’s occurred in the last forty years is that organized churches have largely become social clubs where people are made to feel good about themselves regardless of their beliefs or lifestyle. And in that process shepherds have become mere hirelings, John 10:12–13, rather than true shepherds caring for the flock under their care and preaching the true gospel of self-denial, new birth conversion and sincere repentance. This now occurs because many pastors have exchanged their first love for God in Christ, Rev. 2:4, for love of the culture.
Pope Francis, 88, has been hospitalized for bronchitis and double pneumonia with his condition listed as critical. His condition was such that the Vatican began rehearsing funeral arrangements together with candidates for the next pope should he pass away. It was later reported that he also has early stage kidney failure. When he became pope on March 13, 2013, I believed he might be the one to fill the role of Antichrist because he is the first-ever Jesuit pope. Jesuits were a wicked force who murdered millions simply because they wouldn’t convert to Catholicism. Pope Francis “became superior (leader) of the Argentine Jesuit province from 1973–79”. (Source) If he passes, he will be succeeded by another pope whom I believe will be even more idolatrous than himself, also from the Vatican, the physical and spiritual attributes of which are shown at Rev. 17 and 18.
All the above while unbelieving Orthodox Jews prepare to sacrifice the red heifers in preparation for building the third temple in Jerusalem, Israel. According to the video religious Jews expect to begin building the third temple in the Fall of 2025, which I believe would be the result of the “covenant with many” (Dan. 9:27), a 7-year covenant of peace. If the Fall of 2025 is when the first half of the tribulation begins, this would also be the time the two witnesses of Rev. 11:3 begin their ministry of 1,260 days. The building process would also take about 42 months, or 3 1/2 years, or 1,260 days, immediately after which Antichrist breaks his “covenant” and “exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God” (2 Thess. 2:4). It’s at that point when the “two witnesses” of Rev. 11:3 finish their ministry and “the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them, and kill them” (Rev. 11:7). Then comes “great tribulation”.
This defining mid-trib moment will be that of Luke 17:28–37, the time when prepared believers will have a small window of opportunity, similar to the opportunity of Lot, to escape the coming wrath of Antichrist and find God’s safety and provision for the 1,260 days of “great tribulation”. The sign for true believers to flee is when the two witnesses “dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified” (Rev. 11:8). Jesus taught that it’s at this point in time when true and prepared believers, the true Church, “fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days” (Rev. 12:6). Then, the wrath of Antichrist comes against all remaining Christians who did not escape, Luke 21:36, “And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Rev. 12:17), to kill them all.
Today, technological advances of biblical prophecy are coming alive right under our noses and who’s paying attention? Surely not the organized churches or any lukewarm Christians. Pulpits are almost silent on all matters of end-time prophetic fulfillment while technology is exploding with end-of-this-age stuff. How can churches be silent?! I truly suspect it’s because many in the church are nearly drunk on their pre-trib rapture deception, believing they have nothing to worry about, that God will be “partial” (Rom. 2:11) to them to avoid the 7-year tribulation. I warn all: tens of millions revel in the blinding deception of the pre-trib rapture lie and prepare for nothing. But unknown to them, they follow in the footsteps of the five foolish virgins, Matt. 25:1–13. The technology for the creation of “the image of the beast” (Rev. 13:14–15) is now on our doorstep! The false prophet of Rev. 13:11 “deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed” (Rev. 13:14–15). [My emphasis]
The technology creating “the image of the beast” with “breath” and ability to “speak” is being enhanced with blinding speed. The biblical end-of-the-age “image of the beast” is non-human, a man-machine hybrid with authority to command “as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed”. Yes, a technologically created entity will have authority of life or death over humans made in the image of God, and those refusing to comply with its commands to “worship the image of the beast” will be killed. When one thinks of that it’s really difficult to comprehend. A man-machine hybrid given the authority to kill people? Really! Yes, that’s what the Scriptures foretold thousands of years ago! Indeed, we serve a Supreme awesome God in Christ! Yet, very few pastors and their flocks are paying attention to it. Why? Because they prefer “happy church” without any reminders of Revelation tribulation, as they prefer to believe a lie, no different from ancient Israel who said “Do not prophesy to us right things; speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceits” (Isa. 30:10). Just like ancient Israel, the Western church of this late hour is intolerant of hearing difficult truths, desiring instead to be pampered with lattes and flowery words that keep them feeling happy and carefree. Very few want pastors and teachers to speak the words of God on hard truths while most of their pastors, teachers and leaders are altogether willing to comply.
In 2025 many will begin experiencing significant food shortages. Many already experience food shortages…manufactured food shortages. Globalists, their deep state and Democrats will blame the Trump administration. But the deep state and their co-conspirators have been planning this for a long time. In the past I provided links to news articles about the culling of tens of millions of chickens, turkeys, cattle, vegetables, fruit and the mysterious burning by fire of poultry and grain farms. Right now high levels of attention is being given to eggs, their high price and their increasing scarcity. But in recent weeks many canned foods and other items have been recalled as grocery shelves dwindle in supply of what once was bountiful items. This food shortage isn’t occurring by natural causes, but rather by powerful and ungodly people. But most churches will ignore this developing crisis even though Jesus warned that “there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places” (Matt. 24:7). [My emphasis] Do any pastors of the organized church remain who actually believe Jesus instead of lies and traditions of men for the end-times? Do any remain who actually honor Christ and prepare their congregations to endure to the end?
My new book “ON EAGLES’ WINGS” explains in detail how to know Christ and find God’s Bozrah sheepfold of safety and place of provision for the last 1,260 days of great tribulation.
PS – We all make time for information, sports and entertainment we deem important to each of us. In this context, allow me to encourage you to make the time to watch the 1 hour 12 minutes video linked above by Jamie Walden. The end-time discernment he shares is highly valuable.
Marlin J. Yoder