“for our admonition”

Friday, March 31, 2017

On the Day of the Lord, the glories we behold in the presence of the, I AM, far exceed what tongue or pen could ever tell. Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! Myriads of angels and the redeemed will lift praise and worship heard in endless galaxies of His creation. Thus we shall worship and serve the, I AM, throughout all eternity. But first…

…wars, the tribulation and Antichrist will come. Famine now multiplies as food supplies collapse. Man is destroying the earth, but God will destroy those who do so, see Rev. 11:18. America’s own FDA-approved food is GMO-laden, toxic and inflammatory making many dependent on Big-Pharma drugs. Oceans are being poisoned, huge fish and wildlife die-offs occur regularly now all across the world. The MSM rarely reports it to keep people ignorant.

From CBN News, 03/28/2017, “16 Million People at Risk of Dying as Famine grips 3 African Nations – The UN humanitarian chief, Stephen O’Brien, says the world is facing ‘the largest humanitarian crisis since the creation of the United Nations’ and says the organization needs urgent resources to avert the famine crisis.” Biblically, the rider on the black horse now rides.

From, PNW, 03/24/2017, “Retail Collapse Continues As Sears, Payless On The Brink – More than 3,500 retail stores are going to close all across America over the next few months as the worst retail downturn in U.S. history gets even deeper.” And those relying on the debt-ridden government for sustenance, well, it has them right where it wants them – dependent upon it.

You might say, “These things haven’t touched my life. I still have my job, my 401K Plan, and stocks, and there’s plenty of food on grocery store shelves, why should I be concerned?” Here’s why: disaster is at the door! God has given us a period of grace to prepare, don’t squander it, for very, very difficult times are just ahead. “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” (Matt. 13:43).

Credit card and identity theft, which occurs often, has created the logic and necessity of a cashless society, which will become the Rev. 13:16–17 mark of the beast. When that occurs, when currency, gold and silver are worthless, do you have a plan? In the last 3 1/2 years even gold and silver will be worthless to anyone. But seriously, do you know about God’s plan?

From, WND, concerning the mark of the beast, “Stunner! U.N. Plan To ‘Mark’ World Population”. In this article Pastor Carl Gallups concludes, “My point is to get America’s churches to wake up! We are now living in the most prophetic time since the first coming of Jesus Christ, the technology is now here, global institutions are planning, plotting it, writing it, declaring it, decreeing it and employing people to get it done. … We are the only generation in the history of the planet to see it coming to fruition and it can now happen.”

Pope Francis, “went out conquering” (Rev. 6:2) religious and cultural divides, the rider on the white horse. And it’s now likely that the second rider on the red horse, “taking peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another” (Rev. 6:3–4), will simultaneously ride with the black horse which brings scarcity and global famine, (Rev. 6:5–6). In fact, it’s already begun.

About Pope Francis, note this from Cross Map, 03/17/2017, “Canon Lawyers and Theologians to hold Conference on ‘Deposing the Pope’”. In two weeks they meet in Paris, France to discuss, “How to depose a heretical pope.” Given that Pope Francis does exactly as he pleases and is answerable to no one, that meeting will surely be futile. In fact, I believe it will only further propel Pope Francis’ Antichrist agenda. We’ll see an escalation of that this year.

Of special note, this week I visited a dear friend and spent four hours with him sharing and discussing whole truths of Christ. Outside of my family he’s the best friend I have because he believes and teaches ALL things Christ taught. That’s rare. Our friendship is best described like this, “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend” (Prov. 27:17). I cherish fellowship that fears God and not man, boldly upholding the truths of Jesus Christ!

While there is a general falling away from the faith in these “latter times” by God’s promise of “deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Tim. 4:1), there is yet coming a very sudden and catastrophic falling away from the Christian faith when beings, creatures and apocalyptic events of the seven-year tribulation are revealed. Does your pastor teach and equip you in these truths?

Maybe you attend a church that disbelieves the post-trib rapture of the saints Jesus taught. But ask yourself, with the truth of the end-game suppressed, (and yes, it’s truly being deliberately suppressed) how can you know and prepare to endure to the end according to Jesus’ teaching at Matt. 24:13? Widespread unbelief of Jesus’ end-time teaching in the church is wildly popular.

But, if Noah had not believed God concerning the coming flood, and built the ark, he and his family would have perished with the others. If Joseph had not believed God about the coming seven-year drought, and prepared for it, many of his own family would have perished.

Would ancient Israel have survived the 10th plague on Egypt had they ignored God’s Word for the Passover? No. Would Israel have crossed the Red Sea if Moses had not believed God to part it? No. Did thousands of Jews subsequently die at Mt. Sinai because they disbelieved God? Yes.

Ancient Israel disbelieved God when they saw giants, (equal to end-time Antichrist) and many perished outside of their intended eternal possession. Looking to the end-times the wisest man said by the Holy Spirit, “That which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done” (Eccl. 1:9). Just as many of God’s ancient people perished outside their intended eternal possession, so too will many, once again, perish outside their eternal possession at the end of this present age, for Jesus said, “Wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together”.

Did Korah, Dathan and Abiram, together with their wives, children and all they had go down alive into the earth to their destruction because they disbelieved God? Yes. Did many Israelite’s die from serpents because they disbelieved God? Yes. Did Israel heed her true prophets? No.

Did not the nation of ancient Israel suffer repeated defeat because they disbelieved God? Yes. Did ancient Israel repeatedly go into enemy captivity because they disbelieved God? Yes. Did the Word of God cease coming to ancient Israel 400 years because they disbelieved God? Yes. Please excuse the rhetorical questions, but…

Do we see a pattern of unbelief here? Yes. Likewise today, unbelief largely persists as to how we get to our eternal possession. Thus, we’re reminded, “Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come” (1 Cor. 10:11). [emphasis added] Truly, the end of the ages is now upon us and it’s high time the church wakes up, and equips saints in, and prepares for, the tribulation events Christ foretold.

The Holy Spirit said through Peter, “For Moses truly said to the fathers, ‘The Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet [meaning Christ] like me from your brethren. Him you shall hear in all things, whatever He says to you. And it shall be that every soul who will not hear that Prophet shall be utterly destroyed from among the people’” (Acts 3:22–23). But do you believe Him?

The Spirit of Christ said, “Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that He may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before, whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things” (Acts 3:19–21). The restoration of all things occurs after the tribulation, not before.

The Son of God said that He gathers His elect saints, “Immediately after the tribulation” (Matt. 24:29–31). That truth demands significant instruction, teaching and preparing for things to come. Yet, the church largely persists in, and teaches unbelief of Jesus’ end-time Words, having set the hook of deception and the course of offense certain to lead the sudden falling away when the seven-year tribulation is revealed according to, Matt. 24:10 and 2 Thess. 2:3.

Truth requires preparation of heart, mind, spirit and soul equipped to endure. Yet, many have been taught the horrible lie that, “if you see Antichrist, you’ve missed the rapture!” But false teachers today, like many in ancient Israel, will bear the penalty of their false witness against Christ by deceiving those who will fall away in offense. And please note this: silence of the Christ-taught end-times, LOUDLY teaches the hearers that it’s not important.

“But know this, if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into” (Luke 12:39). Thus, one’s need of being prepared to endure the end-times has everything to do with the missional success thereof. As confirmation of that truth, read Jesus’ parable of the wise and foolish virgins, Matt. 25:1–13.

We live in an age where whole truth is rare. Therefore, you’re on your own with God’s Word, His Spirit, prayer and fellowship with those who cherish ALL Jesus’ truths, and not just those that please. Are the Old Testament examples of unbelief an, “admonition” to you unto deeper faith, or are they just negative Scriptures to be ignored? I pray for you that the former is true.

Marlin J. Yoder

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About the author

I'm a non-denominational ordained minister, and have written TheFridayLetter.com for many years and teach the truths of Jesus Christ with an emphasis on the end-times. This on-line and in-person ministry to which God called me helps many people to know the truths of Christ rather than traditions of men which make "the word of God of no effect" (Mark 7:13).


  1. Thank you for your articles of encouragement. I have been reading them for approx. 1-1/2 years and have read all from the beginning. My wife and I have been reading your articles now together for many months as our Sunday morning bible time. We spend more time not attending organized and established churches on Sunday now than ever before. We are Christians now nearing forty years and married for thirty-four. We have been removed from church leadership in at least four churches in two decades due to our biblical conviction of things such as the biblical timing of the rapture, end time events, not teaching once saved always saved, and understanding our need to observe all things Jesus taught in the four gospels and in the seven letters of Revelation. Your articles have been a true blessing in our times of feeling as though we were stationed behind the enemy lines of Christendom. I have two things I would like to request from you. Because my wife and I have received so much hard to find encouragement that is biblical from your articles as they pertain to end time events, the timing of the rapture, and our being prepared for perilous end times, that I have been praying for some time about creating a website entitled “According To Jesus.” My hope is that it, like your Friday Letters, would become a spiritual help to those who feel they are removed from main stream church society. I believe there are so many who have answered the call of God to come out from among them; from those who teach and preach false messages to their own financial gain. And though God has promised to become and remain their heavenly Father, they are in need of their fellow man bringing them a faithful supply of biblical truth and encouragement. So I want to receive your thoughts concerning that matter. I am not very computer knowledgeable but I am a son of the living Almighty God. The other thing I want to ask of you is, what is the chance of ever meeting face to face with you and or your dear friend you wrote about today or both before the Lord returns? I am fully aware of your strong desire to remain hidden for the most part from the public. But, I thought it was worth the asking! All else set aside, I wanted you to know how much your articles remain a life-line to my wife and I and I am sure to so many others outside the established set in their ways main stream religious system of America. May the Lord impress upon us all the end time importance of our enduring to the end and in our propagating that gospel message according to Jesus of enduring to the end in order to thereby be saved, as according to Jesus in Matthew 10.22, Matthew 24.13, and Mark 13.13, as well as the many New Testament writings that testify to the same faithful teaching.
    In Him Always, Brother Mike

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