Trump Is Not Our Hope

Friday, May 10, 2024

Preempting the main focus of today’s Letter, know that there are unprecedented numbers of demon spirits ascending from the pit onto this world to infect the spirits, minds and hearts of people to hatred of all things Jewish. Their evil works are increasingly prominent and the ugly rising murderous death threats by anti-Semites demand our particular attention, especially for believers. In keeping with end-time prophecy the hatred of Jews is now rapidly rising to a whole new level. Students at GWU in Washington, DC call for the beheading of school administrators! And because true Christians are true Jews, Rom. 2:28–29, we too are in their crosshairs of death.

Now the answer to this surging end-time crisis is not any one man, nor any one president of this nation. Yet, many Christians are errantly putting their faith and hope in former President Trump. That, dear readers, must not be!  While I prefer Donald Trump as president to the wickedness of the incumbent, my hopes are not in President Trump. Note this article by entitled “Inside the Christian TV show rallying Trump superfans with apocalyptic warnings”. The venue for that article is CBN’s Founders Inn, Virginia Beach, VA. The article highlights that many Christians perceive former President Donald Trump as the God-ordained “savior” of the US. And therein lies great deception, false hope and a total unpreparedness for what’s at the door.

Below are some excerpts of what was preached with my commentary in brackets. “The world has entered its final years. [True] Jesus will soon return. [True] But Christians are not meant to wait idly while evil runs rampant; [We are to be “ambassadors for Christ” (2 Cor. 5:20) and are “to mind your own business” (1 Thess. 4:11)] they are called to occupy positions of power and influence in society. [Absolutely false! There’s no Scripture for that. If that were true, Christ’s apostles would have demonstrated the same, but did not. Instead they were all minded after the business of Christ preaching the gospel which is also our commission, Matt. 28:19–20).] And in the short term, that means putting Donald Trump back in the White House.” [Absolutely false! Sadly, many believers are gullible to believe men because they don’t really know God’s word.]

Another attendee said: “This is the only news show where you hear what Jesus thinks.” [This is wildly deceiving, because what Jesus thinks comes not from any news show, but from what the “it is written” testimony of God and His Christ said. They also said:] “Viewers hear regularly from Lance Wallnau, a self-described prophet [His “self-described” issue is utterly deceptive!] known for popularizing the Seven Mountains Mandate, a philosophy increasingly embraced on the right that says Christians are called to claim positions of power atop seven key ‘mountains’ of society, including government, education, business and media.” [Again, absolutely false! No Scripture in context says Christians are to “claim positions of power” in the affairs of society!]

According to pastor Hank Kunneman, “the Lord told him that 2024 would be a year of ‘divine reckoning’ and ‘vengeance against the wicked.’ In the months since, the show has portrayed the presidential election as a spiritual clash [How many false prophecies have we heard after Trump lost the 2020 election that he would return in a matter of weeks or months to occupy the White House! All those prophecies failed because they were not of God!] while depicting Trump as a flawed leader — like a modern King David — who’s been anointed by God to save the nation.” [Absolutely false! There’s no man “anointed by God to save the nation” of America! The US will be judged for its wickedness and rebellion just like every other nation. America will not be “saved”. America will not be spared God’s judgments. The truth is that many believers don’t believe God when He said of rulers of nations, “Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, ‘Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us’” (Psa. 2:1–3). That’s who rulers of nations are and it’s a spiritual travesty for Christians to look to a man called Donald Trump as their hope of America becoming a God-fearing and “saved” nation. It’s really devoid of biblical knowledge and spiritual discernment.]

Dutch Sheets, one of the speakers there said, “We are in a dark place in this nation, maybe as dark as it’s ever been. [Very true] But God is coming with the light of his glory, and he’s going to save this nation through his people.” [Absolutely false! God is coming with the light of His glory to save His blood-bought, born again and redeemed people, not this wicked, unbelieving, baby-killing, war-mongering, LGBTQ+-promoting nation! What we are seeing is the rearing up of Christian nationalism better known as Dominion Theology, of which John Piper said, “The closer we get to Dominion Theology the closer we get to living by the sword. Jesus said, ‘My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world my disciples would fight.’”]

Understand that what’s coming to America is coming to the whole world – the overarching rule of Antichrist authoritarianism at the hands of ungodly people who have by deceit gained political power. What’s coming to America is the UN’s ungodly 2030 Agenda and Klaus Schwab’s WEF Great Reset. As reported, “In 2020, G20 governments, in collusion with the World Economic Forum’s Stakeholders, discretely and undemocratically enacted a global ten-year transition to an authoritarian political system, called Stakeholder Capitalism.” Coming to the US is the rapid rise of a nuclear war with Russia, as America has, once again, unlawfully policed in the affairs of other nations. And about former President Donald Trump, remember that it was he who being buddy buddy with Dr. Anthony Fauci and the WHO, spearheaded the rollout of his Operation Warp Speed that injected tens of millions of Americans with harmful, debilitating, killer mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. If he is again president, what makes anyone think that he won’t do the same with Disease X for which the WHO has already warned the entire world?

Many believers are in denial that America is going down via the judgments of God that will come through either nature or other nations, as was the case repeatedly with ancient Israel. But today many believers are more in love with the concept of America than God and His prophetic end-time word. Simultaneously, many, having been deceived by Dispensational Theology think they have nothing to be concerned about because they have been told the great lie that they’ll be raptured pre-tribulation. But they believe it only to their own peril, because what they believe is opposite of what the Son of God Himself taught that He gathers His elect “Immediately after the tribulation” (Matt. 24:29–31). And the preachers at that CBN Founders Inn conference I quoted above reinforce that false belief. As true believers we must have our hearts and minds on Christ and not allow ourselves to get entangled in the false hopes, dreams and wishful fantasies of men.

My new book “ON EAGLES’ WINGS” with the subtitle “God’s Call, Your Response, Your Life Journey, Through The Tribulation, Until The Rapture” reveals many spiritual and end-time truths that invite you to believe God’s word and to cast off the fruitless traditions of men of Mark 7:13.

Marlin J. Yoder

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About the author

I'm a non-denominational ordained minister, and have written for many years and teach the truths of Jesus Christ with an emphasis on the end-times. This on-line and in-person ministry to which God called me helps many people to know the truths of Christ rather than traditions of men which make "the word of God of no effect" (Mark 7:13).

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