Three Types of People

Friday, August 30, 2024

The world is fraught with many evils that will sharply increase from this point until the return of Christ. Wars and rumors of wars, open borders, lawlessness, crime, homelessness, illegal drugs, gang violence and more as many have lost all common sense of decency, right and wrong. Death of the family is fueled by governments and churches who worship the LGBTQ+ and transgender agendas, in hatred inviting God’s wrath. Even the earth convulses with increased catastrophes.

Israel is on the brink of war with Islamic nations while Muslim warlords gloat over the billions of dollars in war technology, equipment and weapons the US left behind during the Biden/Harris regime’s withdrawal from Afghanistan that killed 13 US soldiers. China will soon go to war with Taiwan which the US created, just as it created the Ukraine / Russia war, which has now become a NATO against Russia war. But America will soon pay a terrible price for its creation of wars.

Klaus Schwab of the WEF said “An era of shock events is coming”. He would certainly know as governments handed him and his unelected cabal powers to build the NWO and the Great Reset. US grown grains, vegetables and meats are poisoned by chemicals, plunging people into endless diseases. As a result the US is the sickliest nation as most citizens are dependent on Big Pharma. That too was engineered. All these end-time evils remind me that there are three types of people.

The word of God reveals three types of people in this world: first, those “counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you also suffer” (2 Thess. 1:5); and second, “those who do not know God” (2 Thess. 1:8); and thirdly also from 2 Thess. 1:8, “those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ”. The gospel informs us what becomes of these people types in the final end of this present age. True believers of 2 Thess. 1:5 are “counted worthy of the kingdom of God”, but those of 2 Thess. 1:8, to God’s wrath; “mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, when He comes, in that Day, to be glorified in His saints and to be admired among all those who believe” (2 Thess. 1:7–9). Now, armed with the Word of truth, let’s discern each.

First, those “counted worthy of the kingdom of God” are those who heard the gospel, and being convicted of their sin and unbelief responded by grace through faith and were born again by the regenerative work of the Holy Spirit. Christ is their first love, guided by God’s word of truth and knowledge. Daily they seek God in humility, repentance and confession of their need for God. They manifest God’s love to their families, to fellow believers, and even to the ungodly. They’re a people with a Berean heart who search the Scriptures for vital truths. They’re a prepared Bride, firmly established, rooted and grounded in confidence toward Christ, prepared for the seven-year tribulation just ahead. They’re the watchful “freewoman” (Gal. 4:21–31) and “the woman” (Rev. 12:6, 14), prepared to slip away to their safety and provision at the middle of the tribulation. The word of God is hidden in their hearts. They exalt Christ, unashamed, unafraid, bold, loving and kind in the face of adversity, rejection and persecution. In this life, of professing believers, these are by far the minority, just as Jesus said, “many are called, but few are chosen” (Matt. 23:14).

Secondly, “those who do not know God” are not worthy of the kingdom of God. They heard of Him, but do not seek Him through His word. They reject the need to be born again to inherit the kingdom of God. They believe all people just somehow end up in God’s blissful kingdom. They are self-deceived. They believe all religions lead to God’s glorious kingdom. They deny Christ’s ministry, death and resurrection. They don’t believe God’s Son and remain dead in their sins and unbelief and invite upon themselves the eternal wrath of God. They are self-condemned in their rejection of God’s gift of salvation for whoever will by grace through faith believe. Nature even teaches them that God is the Creator of all things, but in their unbelief and hardness of heart did not glorify God but worshiped the created thing rather than God who is forever praised. They’ve rejected the salvation that could have been theirs had they been willing to subject their pride and humble themselves under God’s mighty hand. But instead they will suffer the eternal damnation of hell fire and brimstone originally created for Satan and his fallen angels who deceived them. In this world they are among the majority who love to mock true believers at every opportunity.

Thirdly, and lastly, there are “those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ”. Ahh, these have heard the gospel, they’ve read the gospel, but they do not obey the gospel! Rather, the gospel serves them as a means to popularity, an esteemed occupation, a business venture, a place of control to lord authority over others for their selfish benefit while having a chameleon face of humility. They force the gospel to say things it never said; they twist its truths to their own self-serving desires. They make wanton money by abusing the gospel and the tithe. They even invoke the ire of unbelievers who know just enough of the gospel to know the lifestyles of charlatans are pretentious and deceiving. They speak to please people, not God. They lead people astray with a false gospel. They know nothing of suffering for Christ and His word! In fact, they make every effort to shield themselves from suffering for the gospel’s sake. They silence select portions of Scripture that would otherwise expose their error and hypocrisy. They love the praise of men, being seen, rather than seeking God’s praise who is unseen. They deceive people, leading the unsuspecting and non-discerning into many forms of idolatry and false worship. And many who believe their false gospel become conduits defending that false gospel. In this world they are the majority of professing believers who, by traditions, make God’s word say what it never said and as a tool to advance their own self-serving life at the expense of the ignorant and non-discerning.

From now to Nov. 5, 2024 or soon thereafter, America could easily become a war zone of destruction. Democrats, RINOs and elites are working to destroy America. It’s not a matter of “if”, but “when” their wicked plans succeed will believers be prepared like the five wise virgins of Matt. 25:1–13? God has given us believers plenty of time to discern and prepare for end-time troubles. But millions have made no preparations, believing instead the false gospel of a pre-trib rapture. Get my new book “ON EAGLES’ WINGS”, because it reveals truths unknown by many professing Christians. If you love God’s truths and want to be prepared for the 7-year tribulation, my book will help you find God’s safety and provision for the last 1,260 days of this present age which Jesus called the “great tribulation”. I pray you love and discern God’s end-time provision.

Marlin J. Yoder

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About the author

I'm a non-denominational ordained minister, and have written for many years and teach the truths of Jesus Christ with an emphasis on the end-times. This on-line and in-person ministry to which God called me helps many people to know the truths of Christ rather than traditions of men which make "the word of God of no effect" (Mark 7:13).


  1. One of the most important Friday Letters is this week Marlin!

    I have copied and pasted your practical guide to being counted worthy. I fall short but will try to read that each day as it’s what I need to aim for. Thank-you

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